When cocaine enters the body, it moves rapidly from the bloodstream to the central nervous system where it affects the various reward/pleasure centers of your brain– including an important pleasure chemical, dopamine. Dopamine and these parts of your brain aid with thought organization, concentration, fine motor control, sex drive and energy. Cocaine initially increases all these functions.
Eventually though, as cocaine use increases, the brain’s natural receptor sites reduce or lose their ability to produce dopamine and other chemicals. This can cause feelings of depression or a “crash”. These sites are not permanently damaged and will begin functioning again after you stop using cocaine, although it may take awhile depending on how long you used for. Your body responds to cocaine use in other ways such as increased heart rate, blood pressure and breathing. Cocaine also increases alertness, stamina and feelings of euphoria while reducing fatigue, a desire to sleep and hunger. This allows some people to work, dance or take care of business with little to no sleep.
Also, the more you use cocaine, the greater your tolerance will be. Tolerance means your body needs an increasing amount of cocaine in order to get high. Regular, heavy use of cocaine can result in anxiety, depression, nausea, agitation, insomnia, weight loss, loss of sex drive and compulsive behavior. Some users may become psychologically dependent on the effects of the drug and form a habit.
Effects, Tolerance and Addiction
What is cocaine and how is it used?
Cocaine is a stimulant. This means it gets you up and keeps you going. Unlike speed, cocaine is a natural stimulant extracted from the leaf of the coca bush.
Historically, in the U.S., pure cocaine was used as a mild anesthetic, primarily by dentists and ear-nose-throat specialists. Cocaine is also what the "Coca" originally stood for in Coca-Cola but the cocaine was eventually replaced by caffeine. On the street today, you don’t get pure cocaine. Instead, to increase profits, a variety of cuts are added. These can include lactose (which makes you go to the bathroom), local anesthetics such as procaine (which makes you lose feeling), and heroin (rarely) or other drugs.
People use cocaine in various ways. It is sniffed, snorted through a straw or rolled up dollar bill, injected into a vein (mainlining) and smoked (freebasing). Crack cocaine has become a more common form of freebasing (See additional pamphlet for information on Crack).
Cocaine is a short-lived, intense high. How quickly you get high depends on how you take it, the purity of the drug and how much of it you do. Smoking is the quickest method. Generally, it takes three minutes when snorted, thirty seconds when injected, and only a few seconds when smoked.
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