The opportunity to earn from your blog

Posted on Rabu, 27 Februari 2008 by My Community

Pay per post is the latest trend in the blogging world and this is very popular to bloggers. Why? Because just writing post to your blog and get paid the easy way. Presently writing blogs are of huge demanding and if the blog for make money then the process becomes more effective.

I want to tell about bloggerwave that was gives you opportunity with payper post program. They are provides you the opportunity to earn from your blog by connecting you with sponsors or advertisers This is probably has good alternative for you to start learning with Bloggerwave to monetize your blog and make money than. There are has batch off campaigns and you get to choose the ones that your interest to Write. Bloggerwave will sends money directly to your PayPal account after posts are approved by admin.

How much do you earn per post? The minimum amount that you can earn from a post is $1. However, there is no limitation to the maximum that you can earn for a single post. If you want looking for a way to make money for blogging, I highly recommend

parenting courses

Posted on Rabu, 20 Februari 2008 by Insert_Name_Here

by nanny911

Here are some frequently asked questions about how parents may foster the love of reading in their children.

1. Are children who try to learn two languages during the preschool years handicapped in learning to read?
Preschool children who try to learn two languages are usually somewhat retarded in both. There are, of course, exceptions. It has been suggested that the retardation may be due to a reluctance to abandon the mother's language rather than to lack of intelligence or verbal ability. The language heard in infancy, Dorothea McCarthy has said, has deep emotional roots. The child may become emotionally disturbed if he is forbidden to use the language he has associated with his parents from the earliest years. Therefore, children who need to learn two languages should learn to use both languages correctly in the situations in which each is appropriate.

2. Should I teach my child the alphabet?
A child is better prepared for beginning reading if he knows the names of the letters. You can teach him to write each letter large as soon as he learns to name it. You teach the name of the letter B, not the sound, "Bun." Later he will group the letters as follows:


Letters near the beginning of the dictionary, letters in the middle after the beginning group, letters in the middle toward the end, letters near the end of the dictionary. This grouping will help the child to find words quickly in the dictionary.

3. Why is reading aloud to children sometimes unsuccessful?
There are many possible reasons. If the adult dislikes reading aloud, or reads from a sense of duty, his attitude is communicated to the child. Adult and child should both enjoy the story. The child may not be quite ready for the story the parent is reading - though the parent remembers that he loved it when he was the child's age. Times change, and children's interests shift somewhat from generation to generation. Sometimes the child's unreadiness to listen may be merely temporary; something else had absorbed his attention for the moment. It is better to recognize this immediate interest than to try to override it. Older children, especially those in early adolescence, sometimes prefer an unshared reading experience. At such times they guard their private world with fierce jealousy, and resent any adult intrusion into it.

4. How can parents foster a child's love of reading?
"Liking to read just comes naturally to my child," you may say. Probably it doesn't. Without being aware of it, you have done, and are still doing, many things that cause your child to love reading and to want to read. He has seen you reading and has gathered that reading gives you pleasure and profit. He has listened to the enchanting stories that you have read him, and he wants to hear more than you have time to read to him. This stimulates him to want to learn to read for himself. As he looks at the books while you read to him, he begins to recognize certain words, and realizes that those black marks on white paper have meaning. Even after he has started school, you should continue to read him books that are beyond his own present reading ability; this will create further interest in the world of books that he will someday be able to explore himself.

taken from here

SEO Guidelines

Posted on Senin, 11 Februari 2008 by My Community

Search engine optimization is important because it improves the volume and quality of traffic to a web site from search engines. Do you want to put your website in the high ranking? Here are some tips you have to consider:

Website Optimization = Content + Links = High Ranking

1. How Google Measures Link Popularity

Higher link popularity scores = Higher search engine ranking

Link popularity is by far the most important factor for determining your search engine ranking. You need to know what link popularity is, why it is so important, and how Google measures your link popularity (over 50% of all search engine traffic comes from Google, and if you can get to the top of Google, you will raise to the top of the others search engines as well).

Link popularity - the number of links (votes) that SE have for your site.

Here is a link for a good tool that measures the link popularity from SE’s. It shows you the link popularity from Google Yahoo and MSN and lets you to see the history report so you to figure out the rise of your site.

2. Articles:

Consistency is the key. It is a fact that as more and more articles are added to article directories, your article will go lower in the listings, but if you constantly and consistently submit new articles, then you will continue to reap the benefits. Making articles is a great way to build up the link popularity of your website. It gives you life-time links.

• Always close your articles off with a link to your site which is relevant to the copy of the article. Hyperlink the keyword with your url. For example:

Author Bio:

"Johnny Brown is an expert in affiliate marketing. Visit his site for more online marketing tips."

3. Control Your Words.

"Not everything that counts can be counted and not everything that can be counted counts".

This does not apply to our situation. In the Meta Tags, you must count every word and every keyword. Use a tool like this one to count the characters from your Meta tags.

4. Optimize the Title Tag

• Include 1-2 of your most important keyword phrases in the title tag, but don't just list keywords.

If you just list keywords, you risk being viewed as spamming the search engines which can ultimately lead to you being blacklisted and not included at all.

• Your title tag should include your keyword phrases within a readable sentence to avoid this problem.

• Make your title appealing to humans!

Don't forget that even if you get that top listing in the search engines, our listing still needs to say something that makes the surfer want to click your link and visit your site.

• Since the length of your title tag could cause some engines to crop it, we suggest place the keywords at the beginning of the tag when possible to decrease the risk of having them cut off.

Each page of your site should have its own title tag with its own keywords that relate to the page that it appears on.

5. Optimize the Meta Description Tag

• Give appropriate descriptions (as some search engines display this description in the search result), make it more appropriate to your site. Put only targeted keywords in description. Do not stuff the description with more keywords. Restrict the number of words in this tag to 10 to 15 words.

• Place the most important phrases at the start of the description, so, even if any search engine omits some part of the description, the important phrases will be displayed.

6. Optimize the Meta Keywords Tag

The importance of Meta Tags is debated these days. So this is an optional extra.

• Include only the keywords that appear in the body text, and no more than 5-7 keywords. Add alternate spelling of words (including typos) and synonyms of those keywords.

If you’re looking for online marketing guides, visit --- join for free and earn $45 start up bonus. MoreNiche provide all the tools you need to be successful in affiliate marketing.

Affiliate Marketing Ideas

Posted on Kamis, 07 Februari 2008 by My Community

Making money with affiliate programs is almost a must for any webmaster that been around for some time or at least adding a few Google or Yahoo text links advertisements to your web site. And many have thought about opening a blog in addition to their old web sites. Opportunities are all around you! All you have to do is to go out and grab them as fast as you can!

Most of the people who want to earn money this way end up making some cash, probably enough to cover their web site's expenses. If they have designed the web site themselves, that is. Make no mistake here – you can make money online with web sites, even with very personal blogs, but it's going to take a lot of working and tweaking to get to the point where you attract a highly targeted audience to your web site.

So how do you find a good affiliate program? How do you know if it's going to earn you money or if it's going to be a total waste of money and time? Is it better to opt for a PPC program or settle for sales commissions?

Today it's a little bit different. A lot of people join affiliate programs because they've bought a product and they like it so much that they believe that product has the potential to be a worldwide success story. So why not join the business? Finding a high quality product that you genuinely like to use and are eager to promote is the best way to make money online - that's for sure.

But how does this relate to your personal web site? Would you be able to make money online adding affiliate ads to your existing web site? Would your visitors be interested in clicking the "Order Now" button? For the large majority of web sites, the answer is "No". People have come to believe that text link ads are normal on a web site, and so much so that they simply ignore them.

What you need are affiliate marketing ideas proven to work! Like, for example, you can try to build a second web site. A second web site entirely dedicated to the affiliate program you've joined and try to redirect as much targeted traffic as you can from your main web site to the commercial web site.

Building mailing lists and sending tons of sales copies and newsletters used to work at some point. Now they don't or at least they don't work as well as they used to. Don't get me wrong, I still build mailing lists because I would never give up any source of income, but I know they alone won't guarantee me any money.

A good marketing move is to make the most of the seasonal promotions and advertise your business to as many people as possible. Offline advertising is a very powerful tool if you use it right. Let's say you have a Xmas promotion. You can send with every package a few printed Xmas cards with a nice picture on one side and the address of your web site and a few words about your business on the back of the card. Let your customers send your holiday cards around and promote your business!

The online industry is extremely fast moving. Successful affiliate marketing means constantly coming up with new ideas and testing them.