A deadly white powder

Posted on Kamis, 10 Januari 2008 by My Community

Cocaine is one of the most insidious drugs known to man. Once a person begins taking the drug, it has proven almost impossible to become free of its grip physically and mentally. Physically it stimulates key receptors (nerve endings that sense changes in the body) within the brain that, in turn, create a euphoria that users quickly develop a tolerance to. Only higher dosages and more frequent use can bring about the same effect. While considered a "rich man’s drug," it is actually sold at prices so low that even teens can afford to buy it — at first.

The truth is that once a person is addicted the expense skyrockets in direct ratio to the increasing amount needed to support the habit. Today, cocaine is a worldwide, multibilliondollar enterprise. Users encompass all ages, occupations and economic levels, and include schoolchildren as young as eight years old. Cocaine consumption can lead to death

contributor by: Drug Rehab Necessary

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