How many sites do you own, where the traffic generated from long tail keywords far exceeds that of the main keyword? I know personally about 60% of my sites gain most of their traffic through their long tails as opposed to their mains. Therefore how can we exploit the long tail keywords of individual niches in a way that will maximize traffic without spamming the search engines?
So What Are Long Tail Keywords?
Long tail keywords are basically keywords that contain the main keyword(name of the niche) plus other words. For example if the main keyword was ‘cosmetic surgery’ an example of a long tail would be ‘cosmetic surgery in Los Angeles’.
So What’s So Great About Long Tails?
Good question and the answer has to do with their level of competitiveness. Most long tail keywords are linked with low competition in the search engines. Well you may think “so what, hardly anyone searches for ‘cosmetic surgery in Los Angeles’ or ‘dog training in Montana’”. You’re right, but what if you had 50 pages that all targeted different long tail keywords? Let’s say the average amount of visitors that one of those keyword brings in a month is 100. Multiply that by 50 and you’ve got 5000 unique’s each and every month.
Now tell me this, how hard do you think it would be to rank for those keywords? Easy! That’s right, most long tail keywords are incredibly easy to rank for in the search engines. In fact on many occasions all that’s required would be to upload a page that has content targeted towards a long tail and as soon as it’s gets indexed, you may find it ranking on the first page immediately.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you should forget about targeting your main keyword and just focus on the long tails. By all means you should still have a page - usually your home page – that targets the main keyword for your niche, but you have to realize that almost all of the time it’s going to require a lot of SEO before you see any real traffic coming from that particular keyword. So, why not at the same time, build pages that will gain traffic faster and act as window pages into the main heart of your website?
So what do I do if I don’t have time to write 50 pages worth of content?
PLR Content to the Rescue
Right now PLR content is easily the best way of exploiting the long tails of any particular niche. Why? Well depending on the type of PLR content you have at your disposal, most PLR articles are written based around specific long tail keywords. That means you will be able to build pages that have content specifically optimized for individual long tail keywords, which the search engines will absolutely love! If you don’t want to spend a lot of time writing article after article on topics like ‘dog training in Montana’ or ‘lip eczema relief’ and you can’t afford to pay someone to write these articles for you, PLR content is the solution you are looking for.
Join The ***NEXT GENERATION*** PLR Content Network Today! PLRPro – The World’s #1 Content Provider!
How To Use PLR Content To Exploit Long Tail Keywords
Gerakan Cegah Satwa Punah
Ternyata masih ada putra-putra bangsa ini yang masih mau dan peduli dengan alam dan satwa-satwa langka yang mulai punah. Tanpa sengaja saya mampir di sebuah blog yang bercerita banyak tentang satwa langka yang mulai punah. Ternyata mereka terkordinir dengan Team Gerakan Cegah Satwa Punah Indonesia.
Saya tidak bagitu tahu persisi siapa aktor intelektual dibalik misi tersebut, yang jelas apa yang mereka tulis dapat memberikan dukungan moral bagi kita agar ikut menjaga dan melestarikan hutan beserta satwa-satwa langka yang ada di Indonesia ini.
Semoga akan lahir blogger-blogger lain yang akan mengikuti jejak mereka walau hanya sebuah tulisan belaka. Salam hangat......
You Can Save More When Remodel Instead Of Moving Out
As time goes by, families expand, kids grow older, and suddenly that home just not quite so perfect anymore. Or perhaps you still love your home, but you really want a larger bedroom and a larger garage for your wife new car. Should you start looking for a new house? Or would it be better to stay where you are and remodel instead?
Both options involve a significant investment of time and money, so it’s essential to take your time and make an informed decision. You’ll also want to be sure to consider financial and emotional sides of the equation. Let’s begin by examining the financial factors involved.
First thing we will discuss is the moving factor: A good local real estate agent should be able to aid you with estimation on these particular factor.
What will it cost to move? According to real estate consultant and best-selling author of Remodel or Move, Dan Fritschen, a typical move costs 10% of the value of your home. Next thing is, how much could you sell your existing home for? Don’t forget to deduct the agent’s commission from this total. Also you must consider about how much will it cost to purchase a home that will meet your needs and how much will your property taxes increase as a result of the move?
If you already think about that factor then lets move to next factor, remodeling:
The first thing you must think about is, how much will the improvements add to the value of your home, also known as the “payback”? A local real estate agent can assist with this as well. What projects do you want to have done and how much will they cost? An architect or general contractor will be able to assist you with these figures.
If the decision about whether to renovate or move were purely a financial one, then it would be quite easy to look at the numbers and come to the right conclusion. However, there are also emotional factors that come into play, and they have a value as well. Let’s consider some examples.
• If you relocate to a new neighborhood, your children could attend superior schools.
• You would like to reduce your commute or have better access to local amenities, such as restaurants and shopping.
• You’re not particularly fond of your current neighborhood.
• Your yard is too small, and you cannot expand it.
And also, don’t forget reasons you may want to stay and remodel:
• You’re happy with your location. It’s convenient, you love your neighbors, and the schools are either excellent or are not a factor.
• You love the layout of your home.
• All you need is a little more space, and your home will be perfect.
Of course only you know what is truly important for your happiness, so try to use these questions as a starting point. Create a list of the pros and cons of each scenario and leave it someplace accessible, so that you and your spouse can add to it as you think of additional factors. You may also want to consider attending open houses and visiting new housing developments to see what is available and how your home compares.
Once you’ve completed your list and your financial assessment, it’s time to draw some conclusions. Are the numbers and the emotional factors pointing you in a clear direction? Both contain a calculator that will assist you with the difficult task of quantifying the ramifications of your decision. In addition, you can learn tips to assist you with the next step, after you’ve determined what it will be.
If you decide to move, then there are low-cost improvements you can make to your existing home that will help it to sell more quickly. The kitchen and the bathrooms provide the biggest return on investment in this area.
If you choose to remodel, then you’ll need to have a clear idea of what you want to accomplish before finalizing any details with the contractor or architect. One of the most expensive things you can do is change the project midstream.
Whether you decide to remodel or buy a new home, it’s important to ensure that you have proper financing in place prior to moving forward. If you decide to purchase a home, a mortgage planner will help you to determine how much you can afford, as well as which loan package works best with your overall financial plan. In the case of remodeling, you should meet with the planner as well before any construction takes place. Otherwise you may severely limit the type of financing options available to you.
L'analyse fondamentale
L'analyse fondamentale est une méthode de prévision des futurs mouvements de prix d'un concours financier basé sur les droits économiques, politiques, environnementaux et autres facteurs pertinents, ainsi que les données qui auront une incidence sur l'approvisionnement de base et de la demande, quelle qu'en soit la sous-tend l'instrument financier. Dans la pratique, de nombreux acteurs du marché utilisent l'analyse technique en liaison avec l'analyse fondamentale pour déterminer leur stratégie commerciale.
L'un des principaux avantages de l'analyse technique est que des analystes chevronnés peuvent suivre de nombreux marchés et d'instruments de marché, alors que les besoins fondamentaux analyste à savoir un marché particulier intimement. L'analyse fondamentale se concentre sur ce qui devrait se produire dans un marché. Parmi les facteurs pris en considération sont les suivants: l'offre et la demande; cycles saisonniers; temps; politique du gouvernement. [Lire le reste de cet article…]
This is the last and possibly the most famous of the ankylosaurids. Ankylosaurus is big, wide, heavy and covered in bony plates. This is one well protected dinosaur, and most predators have to think twice before trying to tackle it.
The body of Ankylosaurus is all about defence, being covered in thick plates of bone fused into the dinosaur's skin. This forms a hard, shell-like structure over the creature; it even has bony plates over its eyes. Not only that, but its body is covered in rows of short spikes. As if that weren't enough, Ankylosaurus also has a heavy, bony club at the end of its tail.
If Ankylosaurus finds itself cornered in an attack, rather than run away, it will crouch low to the ground to protect its underbelly. This means the predator has to try to flip it over to get at the soft part underneath. There are two problems here: first, Ankylosaurus is very, very heavy, and second, the spikes on its body would make it doubly difficult to overturn. Plus, there is always the danger of getting clubbed by that dangerous tail. It could easily break a predator's leg, and a badly injured dinosaur is more than likely to end up as lunch itself for another meat-eater - one more good reason for predators to find easier prey.
Squat, heavy Ankylosaurus has little choice but to eat low-growing plants. Fortunately, this creature is not a fussy eater, as its wide mouth demonstrates, and it is happy munching on any plant that it stumbles across.
Ankylosaurus isn't the rocket scientist of the dinosaur world, having a very small brain in proportion to its body size, but then it doesn't really need to think much. However, what it lacks in brains it would seem it makes up for in speed; despite its build and short, stocky legs, some palaeontologists think Ankylosaurus can run quite fast (though only in short bursts).
Gajian dari internet
Bagaimana cara masang Banner di BLOG kita, trus dapet duit bulanan?
Berbulan-bulan aku cari 'petujuk' dengan tlusar-tlusur di google,
"gimana sih cari duit di internet hanya dengan memasang banner??'
Walau aku sudah ikutan PPC programs a.k.a. "Pay Per Click", tentu saja ini masih kurang!
Program PPC ada keterbatasan, karena kita hanya dapet duit kalo ada orang yg klik iklan kita.
Lah gimana kalo gak ada seorangpun yang klik itu iklan??
Mampus,..!! dan miskinlah kita!!
Walau visitor "pendatang" yang berkunjung ke blog kita ratusan orang perhari, kalo gak ada yang klik,.. SUSAH!!
No money for us!
sekali lagi,.. SUSAH!!
(ini pengalaman yg aku alami)
Blog aku ( ) didatangi minimal 100 orang perhari, akan tetapi jarang orang yang klik iklannya. Jangankan 1 hari 1x klik iklan, kadang seminggu baru dapet 1x klik iklan. Maka dari itu, ... susah!
Mungkin blog aku ini masih kurang mantab dibandingkan blog yang lain (yg sering kudengar bahwa orang dapet duit dengan mudah lewat PPC programs). Blog aku masih kalah jauuuhhh..
Kemarin, akhirnya aku 'nemu' (menemukan) solusi alternatif untuk cari duit di internet dari blog aku ini (juga blog2 aku yang lain). Yati dengan memasang BANNER.
Banner disini adalah iklan yang disediakan oleh si pengiklan, bisa berbentuk tulisan, atau berbentuk gambar, dan sebagai kompensasi dari aku memasang iklan mereka, aku mendapatkan bayaran BULANAN!.
Ini solusi yang tepat buat aku untuk menambah pundi2 duit (selain PPC). Dan yang paling menggembirakan adalah, memasang banner ini tidak melanggar TOS (Terms Of Service) dari PPC programs yang aku ikuti. Mungkin juga solusi ini juga bisa berguna bagi teman2 yang lain.
Program yang aku maksud adalah
Untuk lebih jelasnya, silahkan baca selengkapanya di blog ini.
by irwanbee
Wedding Rings Buying Tutorial
What to start with? The first important point of wedding ring buying tips is to settle on your budget. Do it as precisely as you can, otherwise you risk spending too much. Of course, we all heard this hackneyed phrase about saving three salaries to buy a ring, nevertheless, don't yield to propaganda and determine what price is affordable by yourself.
How to know her size? Actually, if you have offered her an engagement ring, according to the tradition, you have to know her size. You can take one of her rings to the jeweler or, if it isn't possible without being noticed by her, just put her ring on your finger and mark the place where it fits. As a last attempt, you can consult with her parents or with her ex - husband (just kidding).
Where to buy? Local jewelry stores may seem the simplest solution, yet it isn't the cheapest one. From the point of view of reasonable prices, online stores are much better; in addition, the Web allows buying anything you like without leaving the house. All you have to do is to tape your request into the search space, for example, “gold wedding rings” or “wedding ring set” – and thousands of propositions will appear within several seconds. Then all you got to do is pick the one who suits your budget. Another possibility is to use pawn-shops where you can find really unique wedding rings for comparably cheap prices.
What style to choose? Well, it depends. Here no wedding ring buying tips will do, as you are the only person to know what your beloved would like and what she wouldn't. If she prefers classic, you can choose something like a plain traditional band with engravings or a wedding ring with a beaded edge that will match any fabric. If it is just the opposite, and your bride is a “free spirit” – she will probably like Celtic wedding rings or some designer pieces. Two- or three-toned setting with elaborate details, original design and stylish and bold combinations of gemstones – that is what you need to look for. Once she has a refined taste and is fond of exquisite accessories, you should use these wedding ring buying tips and opt for vintage or antique wedding rings. And if your sweetheart likes to stand out of the crowd, buy her a ring with a big diamond, selecting a cut with many facets, like Trillion cut or Radiant cut.
So, Why Healthy Living?
The pressures of home and family life can also mean it feels as if there's little time left to fit in exercise. It's certainly hard to get started.
So, it's worth thinking about what you gain from ordinary exercise and making even a partial development to your fitness.
- Physical inactivity is an independent risk factor for coronary heart disease - in other words, if you don't exercise you dramatically boost your risk of dying from a heart attack
- Conversely, exercise means a healthier heart because it reduces several cardiovascular risks, including high blood pressure
- Being physically active can bolster good mental health and help you to manage stress, anxiety and even depression
- Regular exercise can help you achieve and maintain an ideal weight, which can be important in managing many health conditions, or may just make you feel happier about your appearance
- All exercise helps strengthen bones and muscles to some degree, but weight-bearing exercise, such as running, is especially good in promoting bone density and protecting against osteoporosis, which affects men as well as women
- Different exercises help with all sorts of health niggles, such as digestion, poor posture and sleeplessness, and physical activity can be beneficial for a range of medical conditions, from diabetes to lower back pain
Furtherly, resources can be foundin the healthy living site
More Efficient with Outsourcing
The world of information and technology grows up rapidly. There is no longer distances between the continents. Every business needs to find the best strategy to stay alive. I think there are two principle things to make our business success, they are speed and consistency. Speed means we have to directly make a business decisions and their implementations, while consistency means focus to the value of our company.
But, human has capacity limitations on thoughts and time. There for it is very difficult to be perfect in every aspect. That’s why all we need to do is focus on our special ability. That is happening in a company too. Just like human being, a company with the system within has a limitation too. It is impossible to be perfect in every singe aspect.
From this kind of situation, a creative idea is showing up in the management area, that is management outsourcing. Management outsourcing means to delegate things in the company (that is not the company’s focus) to the other company.
National PEO is one of the trustable outsourcing companies. The main focus of PEO is to help companies in managing the employee services and problems such as payroll service, HR solution and employ benefit.
Managing the employee services and problems is not an easy case. That’s why using the PEO services is a very good idea. I myself interest to this company. That is why I keep on looking their information through the internet. Well, it is easy to find them on internet. Many companies reference them. So, I think they are doing a perfect job and have a good performance.
PEO offers an interesting Payroll Services. They are offering a complete solution consist of Payroll Administration, Tax Payment and Filling, Online Payroll Entry, Paycard Infoemation, General Ledger Interface, National PEO NPower and Request a Qoute. It is so complete and very interesting, right?
E verify is the most special service from PEO. E verify will take care of the workers licensee especially on Arizona. We don’t have to worry about it, just call 480.429.8098 and everything will be just fine.
How To Grab Your Readers Attention With Your Subject
The race for supremacy in the internet based businesses has been really heating up and many sites have been put up to help others to get ahead for a small fee. But there are also ways in which you don’t have to pay so much to make yourself a good list of loyal followers. Having a satisfied web traffic and visitors allows you to put up a foundation wherein you can build an opt-in list and make it grow from there.
An opt-in list allows you to provide newsletters to your subscribers with their consent. When people sign up, they know that they will be receiving updates and news from your site and the industry your represent via an e-mail. But that doesn’t mean that all of those who subscribe read them at all. Many lists have been built due to an attachment with free software or for a promotional discount and such. Some are not really interested in receiving e-mails from companies and just treat them as waste of cyberspace and delete or trash them without so mush as opening the e-mail and scanning them.
You can change all that. While forwarding an email message is relatively after producing your newsletter. Getting people to open them is not as easy. You don’t want to waste all the time and effort used in making the newsletters, you want people to read them and have their interests piqued. Interested enough to go to your website and look around and most especially purchased and acquire your products or services.
One of the numerous ways you can tempt or persuade your subscriber is by providing a well thought out and well written subject. The subject of an email is what is often referred to when a person or a recipient of an email decides whether he or she wants to open or read an e-mail. The subject could easily be regarded as one of the most important aspect of your promotional e-mail.
Your subject must be short and concise. They should provide a summary for the content of the e-mail so that the recipient will have basic knowledge of the content. This is really vital in grabbing the attention of your readers and subscribers. You want your subject to instantly grab the attention of your subscriber and get them to be intrigued to open up your mail. Remember, it is not necessarily true that a subscriber opens up subscribed mails.
A good subject must always be tickling the curiosity of your recipient. It must literally force the recipient to open the mail. A certain emotion must be ignited and get them to open the mail. It is essential to use specific words to get the reaction you need. Keep in mind that the recipient or subscribers spends only a few seconds looking over each subject of the e-mails he receives. You must grab your reader’s attention right away.
There are many forms you can use for your subject. You can provide a subject that says your e-mail contains content that teaches them tips and methods on certain topics. An example of this is using keywords and keyword phrases such as, "How to" , "tips", "Guides to", Methods in and others like that.
You can also put your subject in a question form. These may include questions like, "Are you sick and tired of your job?" Or "Is your boss always on your case?" Try to stay on the topic that pertains to your site so that you’ll know that your subscribers have signed up because they are interested in that topic. This form of subject is very effective because they reach out to your recipients emotions. When they have read the question on your subject, their mind starts answering the question already.
You can also use a subject that commands your reader. Statements such as "Act now and get this once in a lifetime opportunity", or "Double, triple and even quadruple what you are earning in one year". This type of subject deals with the benefits your company provides with your product and services.
You may also use breaking news as your subject to intrigue your subscriber. For example, if you deal with car engine parts you can write in your subject, "Announcing the new engine that uses no gasoline, It runs on water". This creates curiosity with the reader and will lead them to open the mail and read on.